Digital solutions for health prevention Laboratory
To improve well-being and increase patient’s health and safety.
Health Geomatics
We develop solutions, based on data science and geospatial technologies, to study the impact of the environment (climate change and pollution) on human health, to provide tools for communicable disease tracking and prediction, and for decision-making and planning healthcare resources allocation.
Patient Empowerment, personalization, and medical adherence
We use machine learning methods to create and validate Personas, from which to develop personalized solutions to increase patient empowerment and improve health outcomes.
Prevention in human spaceflight
We aim at preventing and mitigating health risks for astronauts through new digital technologies, by testing these approaches in Earth-based platforms (bed rest, isolation and confinement studies, parabolic flights).
Digital tools for Regulatory Science
We apply NLP techniques to offer to both regulators and medical device manufacturers tools to improve vigilance and facilitate post-market surveillance for higher patient safety.
Virtual Reality
We create cutting-edge virtual reality solutions to deliver innovative serious games, combined with unobtrusive biometric monitoring, to enhance patient care and improve health outcomes.